Paul Rowley

Paul was born in Stoke-on-Trent in England in the middle of 1969, just in time to enjoy the golden era of Doctor Who a few years later. 

It was there that he spent many a happy summer day recreating Doctor Who adventures with his friend John Collier (also on Richard Who) and trying not to be jealous of his extensive Weetabix figure collection.

Some 30 years on and the pair are reunited as ‘Penny Mix Films’, creating stop motion films with Dapols, Character Options and… John’s Weetabix figures.

Whilst only a recent convert to collecting Doctor Who, Paul’s collection includes a near complete collection of Character Options Figures (over 100), a small selection of Dapols, autographs and Mego.

Penny Mix Films have released a number of Doctor Who animated movies onto the internet (most on Youtube), with their most popular films being the ‘Doctor Who : Monster’ series, with over 100,000 views.
Our latest Doctor Who movie is 'Invasion Of The Dinosaurs, Part 2.5'

Our work has also been mentioned in The Sun, Heat Magazine’s website, Big Brother’s Little Brother, MTV and has been watched by Brian May from Queen.

For more information on our movies, including all the Doctor Who ones, please check out.

For Bowhovian Rhapsody, please see -



Paul can be contacted by Email Paul

Enjoy this small sample of
Paul's Collection

A few modern items
Modern figures
Older Stuff
Dapols 1
Dapols 2
Dapols 3
Dapols 4
Various bits old and new
Paper goods
Original blue print section
Costume card pieces
Screen grabs 1
Screen grabs 2
Animated musical Doctor Who Project complete !

Paul can be contacted by Email Paul
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Paul Rowley and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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